This is my attempt at blogging. I'm still learning about the blogging world, and this is my own personal study hall.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Support for Palin Among Conservatives is Fading

Whatever your politics, and whatever your hopes for the outcome of this year's presidential election, there is one thing that cannot be ignored - Sarah Palin is, "Clearly Out Of Her League," writes conservative commentator Kathleen Parker, formerly a staunch supporter of the Republican Alaska governor-turned-vice-presidential-nominee, whom she once said, "makes feminists look like sissy-girls."

A video clip of Peggy Noonan and Mike Murphy blasting McCain's choice of Palin as a running mate when they thought they were off-camera has been widely circulated (see below).

Now, though, criticism comes from an early supporter of the vice-presidential candidate, culminating with a surprising demand - for Palin to drop out to, "save John McCain, her party, and the country she loves."

If you want to read how Parker's support has faded, read her columns in order:

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Phone Atone

The Presidential candidates for 2008 atone for their sins for the New atonements.....we are all very very sorry....and it's very very funny.... Happy Rosh Hashanah to all our Jewish friends on the left, right, and places in between.

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